Friday, February 10, 2012

Posts (or lack there of)

Recently I've been noticing I haven't really posted anything anywhere. Not here, or my other blog, or even Facebook really. So here goes... I have still not found a job, but at the same time I am getting a better feeling about my stability and that I might be able to do my best in something soon. That and I am trying to volunteer at the con over here in Washington so I have something more recent to put on my resume. I do miss some of you guys back home but at the same time I don't feel like I am as stranded here. After I finally find a job I'll feel a whole lot better though, having my own money is always a plus after all. Anyway, me and Kat are good, seem to be doing better than ever lately and each day seems to make me more aware of how amazing she is. As for everything else... well there isn't much else to be completely honest, there's the relationship, my friends back east, my trying to make friends here, and the job search as always. If you guys want to know anything more specific just hit me up on Facebook and odds are if I'm not on just leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I get it.

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