Friday, January 13, 2012

Time War (double post)

This is to warn anyone that I will be forced to use posibly unreliable fan sources for information on this paper. Considering the topic I have chosen is completely from fiction, this is why I will have to rely on the fan base for any and all information that will be within.

I have chosen the Time War, as a topic. However, if the information is not available or has never been available I will be forced to change my topic to something more in the realm of possibility.

One of the thought causes of the Time War, was when the fourth Doctor was sent back through time by the Time Lord Ferain in order to alter the Daleks or destroy them completely.

The main after affect was the total annihilation of many worlds and species along with almost all of the time lords and Daleks that the world would ever see, except for a few survivors that is. With these survivors, you see what the Doctor Who series has today. Only two Time Lords, a handful of Daleks, and scarcely any other species that were destroyed by the moment.

All I could find is what happened before and after the time war, all of the rest of the information was either implied or simply not there. Most of the time war is terribly unclear, only glimpses of what has happened are shown to the viewer, reader, or listener. Why this is, I do not know. I only wish the writers would find some way to explore this rather large plot device we have not been allowed to see. It’s almost as if the time war is hidden behind a “Do Not Enter!” sign that will not be lifted any time soon.

But anyway this is a short piece I decided to do, not knowing what I would find. Since I could not find most of the required information I have decided to keep this topic up to the future writers of the series, and hope that it was not lost with the old.

I know I posted this on my other blog, but I figured that the people who follow this one shouldn't be left out in the dark.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yesterday (not about the Beatles)

So I know that yesterday I was a bit... Overwhelmed with myself and made some angry, or even angsty comments about myself or my life or whatever. I really just want to apologize for that, it was a mini-mental breakdown is all though, I'm getting better and have applied to about 5+ places. Today was pretty good, I calmed down a lot and decided to relax today and work on job hunting tomorrow (tomorrow meaning when I wake up not tomorrow in the literal sense).Anyway, figured you deserved to know about the good in my life too. Here go's, me and my fiancee are still going strong and I still love her more than anything I thought possible. Than there's the living situation, I have been working around the house more and more to try and be productive while my job search is in progress. I honestly before today felt like I had been doing less, sorta  a looking back thing. So, that happened, and I have lowered my gaming times to the night, that way I can still be social and all that. I like to talk to people and game woah, haha. Sooooooooooo yea, I just need to slow down sometimes. Find a switch between panic mode and lay back mode. Might take a while but here's hoping I can get that down. I'll try posting a happier poem later on if I get inspired, to make up for that last one anyway. If they get hits or comments I might make it a regular thing, who knows. But until next time, Peace!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trapped (a poem in here)

Trapped and scared
Thinking of what id do
Wondering where id go
Worrying about how I'd live
Alone and still
Life more stagnant than ever
No transport and no jobs
No fiancee and no help
Parents that don't communicate
Siblings that only want to leave
Would I just add to those wanting to leave
Or would I accept it as normalcy
I wouldn't live anymore
I wouldn't be me
I would change and I don't want to
I would crash into a wall of depression and hopelessness
I would cease to be
So what do I do now I ask myself
Sitting and thinking
Worrying and almost vomiting
How can I do something that seems impossible
Try I suppose
Beyond that I only have hope things will work out
Hope that I won't be alone again
Hope that I won't have to go back to that hole of a place
Hope that I will be able to do something with my life

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Gotta new blog!

If you keep track of my profile you already know I got another blog, just for my reviews and such. I thought it would be worth mentioning and if you want to look at it just look, no need to complicate that tiny thing. Anyway this blog will be more like a whats going on with my life, sorta thing. Figured I'd keep it separate from the techy stuff from now on, that way it doesn't seem like I have mega ADHD and such. So, if you want to know about my life continue reading this blog, if not than read the other one: PEACE!