Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jobs and other money making ventures

One thing that I have definitely noticed is the lack of work everywhere, I lived in Massachusetts for a while and decided it was a pit. I still kind of agree with that but its a nice pit, anyways I am now in Washington state and I have seen no improvement. Applying for jobs doesn't seem to do any good, not that I'm giving up though. Every time I see a job I believe I'd be good at I apply, honestly I've pretty much rooted out the enjoyable jobs already but again, I'm not going to give up. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and save up when I did have a job, just so I would have something to lean on now. However seeing as this is impossible I'm just going to have to keep looking and trying harder than I have been lately honestly. I really need to try harder..... I guess I didn't try as hard because every job I attempt to get, I get turned away from.

Anyway, I am not entirely sure how any interference, other than a companies, is going to be able to create more jobs. Yes, we can have our government give money to companies, who exist to make money in the first place, or we could give incentives for new jobs, and cuts for those who do mass firings. I really don't know if that would help but it seems like it might anyway.

Sorry this post was a little ranty, and a bit repetitive, but comments are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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