Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pokemon and such

Ever sense I was little I loved pokemon, whether it was the cards or the games. Now that I'm older and all of the games have come out however, I can't help but wonder. What if the pokemon company made all of their worlds into one massive game for PC or the Wii? It would sell great, have amazing multiplayer potential, could have Wii graphics and would cater to those who ended up getting the Wii but not a DS. Ive personally thought it would be a great move on their part to make this game since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, but hey it could just be me.

Imagine choosing a starting location, than a starter pokemon, editing your trainer before any of it even starts. It would be a huge step in the game series and a big money maker for Nintendo if they made the game correctly. So, why havnt they tried it before? Not enough men working on it? They don't think pokemon is popular enough? Or is it that they still don't want to be done creating more of the little buggers.

Well whatever the reason might be I am seriously questioning why they don't have even a small project like that yet. I'd prefer a console pokemon game that acted like the handheld, but had better graphics like the ones on console (ie. pokemon revolution, pokemon stadium, ect.). If anyone agrees with this let me know, and if anyone knows of any news of something like this, please let me know I don't care how you tell me.

Until next time, I hope you've enjoyed this read.


  1. very true man i would be on this like white on rice on a white paper plate in the middle of a snow storm...i think they just like making us wait

  2. yea their probably going to make at least one or two more worlds for pokemon to live in before they combine them all
