Friday, December 30, 2011

AWESOME!!! (deals)

So, I hopped on Steam a few days ago and noticed... FREE STUFF!!! That and a whole bunch of deals for those of you with the money to spend. Most games are under 20$ and if you meet certain requirements you can get even more off. I already got Portal and Flat Out free and am going to continue trying to get more. The biggest deal/ contest they have going on right now is, if you can complete enough of their goals and get coal... You could win all of the games steam has to offer... Thousands of games for several days, weeks, or even months of magnificent PC gaming. Anyway, now that I'm done nerding out about that... This is another reason steam isn't such a bad idea if your computer is up to date, and has some good hardware on its side. With the right mind-set and the time, you can play almost any game you could want to.

Anyway I hope all of your christmas's were good, and I hope you continue reading. Until my next post ALONZI!

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