Monday, December 12, 2011

Operating systems: How much do we really know?

We all use one, even if we are on the go using a smart phone. Although I'm going to stick with what I know and talk about the three big players in my opinion. There are the two everyone's heard of, Mac and Windows, but there is actually another option that not everyone considers, it is mostly if not completely free and it is called Linux. From personal experience each of these operating systems works very differently but I haven't really done the research into each of them. I have to say I don't have a lot of experience with Mac but I have used Linux and Windows quite a lot.

Anyway I'll start with what I have heard or do know about Mac. It's better with graphics programs and creative projects than windows is and has a selection of Mac only  programs to select from. While not having as much in the gaming department it still is pretty good about not getting viruses (mainly because no one makes Mac viruses...). Anyway the big thing that turns me away from buying a Mac computer isn't the operating system, its the way they are built half of the time, with the monitor and computer in one unit. It makes upgrading hardware more dangerous and difficult, that and I'm a gamer. From what I've seen there are not nearly enough games for Mac to help me keep playing the games I love.

As for Linux, it is generally used in servers and is decent for that from what I've seen. I could be wrong and things could have changed, but from what I remember Linux OS was used in servers a lot of the time. The viruses, it does have less than Windows, however I would assume it has more than Mac because it is used in servers so much. It is harder to learn how to use depending on the version of Linux you choose to use, some could be similar to Windows, others could be like Mac. I've only had experience with a couple versions however and they were more like Windows than Mac. Honestly, I don't know if Linux can run games without having compatibility programs running and installed. I never figured that part out, but from what I hear Linux is fun to mess around with.

What can I say about Windows... It runs smoothly if your careful but, some versions have never and will never run well. XP seems to still run fine for me, even though Vista and Windows 7 have both come out. For me Vista had no problems but, I've heard so many complaints that not all of them could be small screw ups here and there. As for Windows 7, it seemed to fix all if not all of the problems that Vista just couldn't seem to correct with its updates. To me 98 still seems more convenient but cant run anything worth while now a days anyway. Windows is the most widely used OS and honestly why wouldnt it be, it's in schools, libraries, and so we wanted it in our homes. Its our safe, home sweet home of operating systems and if your already using it, there is little reason to change to anything else.

I hope  you enjoyed this read, and I love to get feedback so please comment.

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