Friday, December 30, 2011

AWESOME!!! (deals)

So, I hopped on Steam a few days ago and noticed... FREE STUFF!!! That and a whole bunch of deals for those of you with the money to spend. Most games are under 20$ and if you meet certain requirements you can get even more off. I already got Portal and Flat Out free and am going to continue trying to get more. The biggest deal/ contest they have going on right now is, if you can complete enough of their goals and get coal... You could win all of the games steam has to offer... Thousands of games for several days, weeks, or even months of magnificent PC gaming. Anyway, now that I'm done nerding out about that... This is another reason steam isn't such a bad idea if your computer is up to date, and has some good hardware on its side. With the right mind-set and the time, you can play almost any game you could want to.

Anyway I hope all of your christmas's were good, and I hope you continue reading. Until my next post ALONZI!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Its 2011 Christmas!!

A post for all those that celebrate and all those that don't. This happy holiday season has been good to me, and it has shown me that if you try and put yourself out there a lot is possible. In one month I even got 150+ views on this little blog that I honestly didn't expect anyone to read. You all have already given me a gift this year by showing me that people do care about what I say sometimes, but at the same time that doesnt mean they always will or that it was a huge deal. I will keep posting about whatever I can think of and tell me what you think, or even what I could post as another topic later. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, just happy holidays all around no matter what your religion, what you believe, or what you think. This is the season of happiness and forgiveness.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My job search (a little ranty)

When I moved and got the stuff I had left back over there, everything I own fits into about a single box... But things are not what makes a person great or memorable, its the personality and the mind, and what that person decides to do with it. I still don't have a job and honestly am starting to feel useless, I know I am good with people. I can work with people, I can work with most anything else that's simple enough. My main issue has been that I stopped trying, I know it was a dick move and I'm trying hard again... I'm not used to the working world though, I mean even my brother and sister had an in when they got their jobs. I don't want to wait anymore though, I NEED A JOB! No matter what it is, if I don't get one in a few months I seriously have no idea where my confidence levels are going to be. I know I joked a few times about only wanting a job for Christmas, but honestly, it was no joke... If I could choose between a bunch of fancy gifts, and actually being able to buy anything for myself, I'd choose the ladder. I just wish job hunting was as easy as it was when I got my first job as a paper boy, and than my slightly harder to get job at a mini-mart near my house. Things just have gotten so much more complicated and impersonal, for me if you take out the human element, you take away the draw of the job. Not to say I won't try and conform to the new way of job hunting, but I just don't understand how things got so weird so fast. I've always though you would want to meet the people you hire before hand, no matter what you might be doing, even a phone call would be nice. I guess what I'm trying to say is the new way of job searching is much more tiring for me than what I experienced in the past, makes me feel old saying that but it's how I feel. Please don't take too much of this to heart though, besides the wanting a job thing that is. The point of my posting this was so the few readers I have might know what's going on in my life, after all part of the title is "What I'm doing". Thank you for reading, and remember to keep your chins up, until next post I'll be sleeping......

or not near a computer anyway...


Time For A Face-Lift

Or at least that's what most of the sites I frequent must have thought to them selves. I first noticed it on Facebook, it sorta kinda took a page from everywhere else and is letting you have a simple background picture. To me it looks tasteful and is going to keep a lot of people happy, mainly because it didn't screw with Facebook Chat, or the feed page. It does seem easier to read and access, along with letting you check specific months of posts instead of clicking "show more" about a thousand times. In my opinion Facebook's Timeline feature is worth it, just check to see if anyone you know has it and give it a try, as I understand it you can remove it later or simply not publish it if your not sure about it yet. The second place I found some aesthetic changes was YouTube. It started this winter face-lift a while ago, not that I remember when it started... But the changes have only improved usability and have given YouTube an over all nice look. The most recent thing I noticed was the 3D functionality and what seems to be a snowflake effect YouTube has put into some of the videos. I'm not sure which videos can or can not have this effect yet, but a lot of them have a little snow flake button just next to the quality button. I've found various other changes that appear to be minor, I would go into detail as to what they were but it is getting late so I'll just say there have been a lot if you look around. Just to name two sites I've noticed subtle changes in, there's and But as I said, the changes I've been able to find were small, and if you weren't looking you wouldn't notice.

Anyway, happy holidays and have fun with your holiday plans. As for me, I am going to be in the mountains with someone special and half of the family I will eventually call my family. Please comment or whatever you do on here, and give me some ideas if you have some, I'll post again soon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Suspicious Activity? On My E-Mail? It's more likely than you think...

So, apparently my aol mail account has been disabled for my safety because of its "Suspicious Activity". I had already known about said activity but since there was no option to force me to be logged in to send something, I could do nothing about it. I let it lay where it was and blocked the occasional spam message that I got. Now... After all of this time... AOL has finally caught on to the problem with my account, the only solution however... Close it for MY protection... What The HELL! Honestly I'm not the only one who has an essentially hi-jacked E-mail account, I'm pretty sure mine got jacked from one of my friends hack messages. They didn't send it, but they were infected... You'd think AOL would just have though of something to... I don't know... Disable boting on their mail services? Would it be that hard to make the person have to know a password and where their computer was located? Anything.... I just can't believe this... On top of that my account is now locked for 24 hours because I couldn't answer the security question, which I'm assuming is case sensitive. So, I doubt, HIGHLY, that I will gain access to my MAIN FREAKIN E-MAIL! ...for a while... I know I am no server expert but youd think they would have gotten the help of someone big in virus and spyware protection by now, like oh, I dunno... CISCO systems or McAfee? Seriously, most of the e-mail services out there need to tighten the cracks a little. I don't think this little rant will change anything in any way but, man I wish it would. If anyone else has problems like getting recipient could not be found, when you did not send a message, please comment and tell me about it... Also it would do those people well to memorize, thoroughly their security question answer, so they don't get locked out of their account.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Forge: Simply Magic

So, I play Magic: The Gathering when I can find someone to play with, and when I can find the spare time. I have had only one of those things lately and no deck so I decided to look into a game that I used to play, Forge. It's a fully functional Magic deck tester, or that's what I use it for. You can build a deck out of any of the cards that they have installed which at the moment comes to about 9,536 cards in total, possibly more if there has been an update since I last checked. I assume this project has taken a lot of the designers time, and with it not being made by a company, even more of that individuals time. The creator originally made it just for fun and to see if he could, I coded a little and seeing if you could is a great way to pass time while programming.

The AI works well, the card graphics are the real life card pictures, and the deck builder is fantastic if you know the rules of deck building. Theirs even a working quest mode, that I sadly have to say I have not given a try yet. If the rest of this program says anything about what the quest mode will be like though, I should give it a try as soon as I can.

Over all this game is decent and has support for Mac and PC users. The user interface is simpler than it used to be and is easy on the eyes. If I was Wizards of the Coast, I would allow this game to be produced as a cheap deck tester, even maybe calling it Deck Forge or something. Eh, pipe dreams, but anyway if you are into trading card games and cant figure out magic, give this a try. Hell if you do know how to play magic use it as a deck tester and something to help you find better combinations.

If you'd like to check it out look at their blogger:
                                                       or their site:

Sometimes the download links go down but its not his fault, just the site he hosts on going down. He always re-posts the content elsewhere though, so if you get into it no worries.

I rate this program 4 out of 5 for ease of use, being one of the few brave enough to keep pushing forward, and for just being a great game overall.

Operating systems: How much do we really know?

We all use one, even if we are on the go using a smart phone. Although I'm going to stick with what I know and talk about the three big players in my opinion. There are the two everyone's heard of, Mac and Windows, but there is actually another option that not everyone considers, it is mostly if not completely free and it is called Linux. From personal experience each of these operating systems works very differently but I haven't really done the research into each of them. I have to say I don't have a lot of experience with Mac but I have used Linux and Windows quite a lot.

Anyway I'll start with what I have heard or do know about Mac. It's better with graphics programs and creative projects than windows is and has a selection of Mac only  programs to select from. While not having as much in the gaming department it still is pretty good about not getting viruses (mainly because no one makes Mac viruses...). Anyway the big thing that turns me away from buying a Mac computer isn't the operating system, its the way they are built half of the time, with the monitor and computer in one unit. It makes upgrading hardware more dangerous and difficult, that and I'm a gamer. From what I've seen there are not nearly enough games for Mac to help me keep playing the games I love.

As for Linux, it is generally used in servers and is decent for that from what I've seen. I could be wrong and things could have changed, but from what I remember Linux OS was used in servers a lot of the time. The viruses, it does have less than Windows, however I would assume it has more than Mac because it is used in servers so much. It is harder to learn how to use depending on the version of Linux you choose to use, some could be similar to Windows, others could be like Mac. I've only had experience with a couple versions however and they were more like Windows than Mac. Honestly, I don't know if Linux can run games without having compatibility programs running and installed. I never figured that part out, but from what I hear Linux is fun to mess around with.

What can I say about Windows... It runs smoothly if your careful but, some versions have never and will never run well. XP seems to still run fine for me, even though Vista and Windows 7 have both come out. For me Vista had no problems but, I've heard so many complaints that not all of them could be small screw ups here and there. As for Windows 7, it seemed to fix all if not all of the problems that Vista just couldn't seem to correct with its updates. To me 98 still seems more convenient but cant run anything worth while now a days anyway. Windows is the most widely used OS and honestly why wouldnt it be, it's in schools, libraries, and so we wanted it in our homes. Its our safe, home sweet home of operating systems and if your already using it, there is little reason to change to anything else.

I hope  you enjoyed this read, and I love to get feedback so please comment.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reviewing: Killing Floor

I figured it was about time I got back to what I like doing, Gaming. So here it is, I played a two day trial of a survival first person shooter called killing floor. There was a deal on it through steam so I figured it was worth a try. So far what I've seen, it has a decent system for collecting weapons, gaining money, and having different classes that still can play similarly enough to not destroy your ability to play the game. The amount of enemies and the number of different enemies both are fairly high compared to what I'm used to in survival horror games, but it is what I love in these games. It is a wave based survival mode, the one mode I wish more games had minus a time limit. You gain cash based on the number of enemies destroyed, and I believe you get more for how you kill them. The class I started with was the sniper like class, you level this one up by getting head shots, than there are other classes that level up depending on damage dealt, kills made on specific enemy types, and so on. The one issue I have with this game is the slow level ups that I've seen, I believe I was only able to level up 2 or 3 times with the sniper class and it seemed to take forever after that. The level selection and weapons almost seemed to make up for that though. You can also level up other classes while using a different class if you use the right weapons. It all seems a bit difficult to understand but once you get the hang of it, this is a very fun game. If I could get the money together I would definitely buy this game as soon as I could, and at the low price of about $5 why wouldn't I? As I usually sugest though, do research and find a demo if you can before spending the cash on any game, just because I like it doesn't mean everyone will. Definitely give it a try if your into challenging multi-player, or single-player zombie killing fun. I give this game a 3 out of 5 simply because it seems too familiar, not that its a bad thing.

A link to the games site here:

Hopefully you enjoyed this read and will continue reading, as always I would love comments to see if I can improve anywhere. Until next time, peace!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The search (rant?)

I had made a Magic deck a long time ago when I was still living in Massachusetts, tonight I started to miss my old deck which had gone missing. The logical step would be to look where I think it might be, but what if the place it might be, is not your own. I can't yell at them to have it cleaned by any date in the calendar even if I tried, and even with it clean, would they look in those dozens of bags that could be hiding it? I don't blame them though, I blame myself for not taking it from the bag as soon as I knew I wasn't using it. I should have known it would go missing, it is mine after all. With me having only about three big things to my name one of them would have to be gone forever, it wouldn't be my life if it didn't I suppose. I still wish I had enough extra cards to at least make a meager life gain deck though... It was my first deck I ever really made on my own, it changed as I made more friends and I had finally changed it to the point where I was completely satisfied with where it was. I even had one of my cards signed by a voice actor from a few anime I had watched, it wasn't just cards to me, to me it had meaning and I just wish that those who I have told where to look will eventually see that. This probably sounds like the nerdiest thing ever, but honestly imagine if you had created something, built it up and finally had it how you wanted, than having it disappear without you even being able to write down what you had accomplished. This was one of my small things that I had, and I had made. No one made this deck for me, a few people helped me build it, but in the end all of the big decisions in this deck, I had made. Now that its gone and I have very few cards that work together, I don't even know if I want to keep them anymore, if I can't fine my deck I might just sell all of my cards or send them away to my friends. Honestly, without my first deck, or at least the card list for my first, I don't see a point in playing anymore. That and noone around here plays Magic the gathering much anyway. Thank you for listening and I hope that you hold on to your small things in this life.

Monday, December 5, 2011

So here it is: Steam

A program that seems to be designed around playing games with your friends, and putting all of your games together in one place. Sounds amazing right? Well I'm going to figure out exactly how awesome this program is in this review.

There is a lot to go over so I'll start with its basic functionality. It allows the purchase and download of thousands of games directly to your computer, along with some free games and free demos. They have offers and specials that include lowered prices, bundles, or limited time demos. You can even buy games in stores and put in the installation code into your steam game manager. Why download all of these games and put the codes for already purchased games in here you might ask. Well here's your answer, it allows you to use your account to play your purchased games anywhere on any computer capable of doing so. That means you can never lose your CD or DVD to install your game, and will never have to be worried about scratching or damaging your game again. Some newer games even have achievements through steam, just like the 360 and ps3 have on their systems. It also has a chat client that allows chat in or out of games, Steam also allows people to send a gift of a game, which is simply a second copy of a game you have purchased that you can send to someone else. With all of this in one place, with no monthly fee, I have to say I support it.

Steam was created by a company called Valve which has produced games which have been very successful and odds are you have heard of at least one of them. The most popular titles include; Portal (series), Half-Life (series), and the Left 4 Dead series. These games were all pretty creative and at the time they were created were thought to be revolutionary and unique in a fantastic kind of way. It is another reason to support their company and use their services for your gaming needs. I am so sorry I'm starting to sound like a commercial... Anyway point being in my opinion these are reasons to use Steam to manage your PC gaming library.

Not to say their aren't reasons you shouldn't use it. Some games don't cooperate with Steams interface and can lag more under steam than not, and some games crash if steam is not up to date. Honestly, I have never had a problem where a game crashed due to lack of steam updates but that's just me. The chat won't completely interrupt your game but because you have to pause the game if your going into the chat screen, it is a bit troublesome, that and if your friends do anything Steam will display a notification in the upper right corner of the screen. Lets just say I'm glad I don't have any FPS's or I'd probably want to kill someone about that little problem. Even with these minor distractions, it has never made a game unplayable for me, and has always ran perfectly well in my experience.

In the end its up to the individual experience and how they use the client that will determine if they like it or not. I would recommend anyone who is into PC gaming to give it a whirl though, I mean they even have some free to play full-version games in their library of 1800+ games. So even if your broke you should make an account and give some of those games a try.

Please leave comments if you can and I look forward to any feedback I can get. Ill post again soon, and I hope to make it a good one.

Posts: What to do, what to do?

I am starting to realize that my review posts are getting more hits than all others. This has made me decide on posting more reviews on products that we all use, or are thinking about using. The only issue with this is that I honestly have no idea what I can review, as I write I do get a few ideas. I will post what I can, but while lacking a decent system to play on, or an XBox 360 or PS3, it does make it a tad bit difficult. If you have any ideas let me know and I'll see what I can do, however with what game systems I have I feel that any PS2 or WII reviews would be useless. If you think otherwise let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I really am looking for feedback so if you read this please either look at my other posts and comment if you please, thank you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pokemon and such (now on your computer)

Just figured what with the lack of posts and my new frequent usage of Pokemon Online. It is a game made by a person(s) a while ago as far as I can gather, and gives you a selection of any Pokemon you can think of that has been in the main series, including legendary's and the rarest of the rare. The moves they can learn are all of the possible, non-cheated moves they can learn in the games, same goes for the abilities and such. Its pretty addicting and helps you come up with strategies, and gives you experience with the best of the best EV's and IV's that can ever exist. I am getting serriously addicted to it and I am loving everything it allows, including shinnies and all that. I am looking for people I know to start playing but somehow I doubt that its going to happen anytime soon. It would be fun to know the people you battle after all and see what kinds of strategies they use. Anyway if you are interested in this game, the link to the website is

I thought this was too short so I will add my current team and their movesets.

Dragonite Lv.100 [Inner Focus]
-Ice Beam

Yanmega Lv.100 [Speed Boost]
-Shadow Ball
-Air Slash
-Bug Buzz

Darmanitan Lv.100 [Zen Mode]
-Flame Charge

Hitmonchan Lv.100 [Iron Fist]
-Drain Punch
-Fire Punch
-Mega Punch

Poliwrath Lv.100 [Damp]
-Ice Punch

Luxray Lv.100 [Intimidate]
-Volt Switch
-Thunder Fang
-Signal Beam

This post just got a ton bigger but anyway, thank you guys for reading and I will be posting again when I can.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meebo: Why you no rooms?

I've recently heard, but have been unable to confirm, the return of the Meebo rooms feature. I know I used to meet a lot of people there and even role-play a bit. They discontinued it last year though and I haven't heard anything since, I did go back on to see if the rumors were true. Sadly though there was no rooms yet. I am guessing they removed the rooms due to the massive amount of unused rooms that would probably have been taking up space. I would have proposed limiting the amount of rooms any single user could make to around 3 if that. Anyway, my point is, Meebo could have used any number of other solutions to eliminate unused rooms, or at least keep some major rooms that had daily traffic. I miss the rooms I used to frequent and wish they would come back, if Meebo removed them because of the lack of security for its users, eliminate the guest accounts that were able to come and go as they pleased. I am aware they caused the most havoc out of any of the users I had ever talked with.

I just really want the graveyard and all the people in it back, I miss that old place and I know I'm not the only one. Anyway, that's about it for this post, I'll post again soon.

I enjoy comments and such, and if you have any suggestions for my next entries, let me know.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random Tech: Browsers

So, I figured I'd take a break from ranting again and post something simple. I used to be in the IT department, took some classes learned enough anyway. So, here's the thing, we all use browsers, but which one? There's the big three: Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer, along with several more but these three are the most used. Now, why do we use the one we use, it was installed already or you used it elsewhere and knew you wanted to use it for the rest of your internet usage. Normally you would think that Internet explorer would be the most used simply because, lets face it, there are a lot of people who don't know what downloading is, never mind that Firefox or chrome exists. However, from what I've seen recently, Chrome is growing in popularity a lot lately. I, personally use Chrome as well, but before that I was using firefox. Why the change you ask, well my Firefox started to run slow so I decided to try Chrome for a bit of fun, only thing is it was faster and easy to use. That and it looked like the version of Firefox Windows 7 allowed and I loved that look.

Anyway down to business, why I use or don't use a browser. I'm going to start with Internet Explorer first, as that's the one I complain about the most. I find it slow, it's pop-up blocker to be less than effective, which makes its security slacking. I've heard that it crashes quite frequently, I have yet to see it crash however, and honestly it's probably due to its lack of use. It does have some security settings but I am not sure as to how well they work anymore, you would certainly need to keep it updated though, which goes the same for all browsers. All in all I will give IE a rating of 2 exploded internets out of 5.

On to Firefox, it has a variety of add-ons and extensions which will satisfy any need you happen to have with your browser. Whether that need be in games, social networking sites, or even just making your browser look pretty. It was originally designed to free users from pop-ups and to protect them from all of the holes in Internet Explorers design. It is open source meaning that new add-ons and extensions are made almost daily, and their development team makes sure to keep their program up to date. It started to slow down as I said earlier, but all in all it is still a great browser. I give Firefox a rating of 4 freeware awesomes out of 5.

Now to my current browser, Chrome! It has proven itself very effective and has had few if any pop-ups at all. It is faster than Firefox on my computer and seems to not be affected as much by those pesky tool-bars that some programs install if you don't pay enough attention.So far so good for me anyway, no major problems or crashes that the other browsers didn't have anyway. It has been getting some more add-ons like firefox has, and it runs them separately, not sure if that's good or bad but I suppose its better to close an add-on than having to close your browser. Anyway, for my computer, I'll give Chrome a 4.5 google wins out of 5.

There is always room for improvement, so honestly if your choosing a browser I would use them all a little before making a decision, just to be sure. I would highly recommend at least trying the big three right now and especially Chrome or Firefox. They have always been good to me and have some nice gadgets to try out.

Until next post, I'm off to learn more of the internet.

All this talk about money...and protesting... and politics....

Okay, I just wanted to start by saying I don't like the way the rich can pay for the legislation that they want. At the same time however, I will not support any movement at this time either. I am seriously starting to think that our government is going nowhere fast no matter what side your on. I have always been in a lower or middle class living situation, and have found job hunting more difficult lately than it was when I was in high school. So basically, the job market sucks, the senate running the bills can't seem to get anything productive passed, and honestly I really don't feel like voting for anyone unless they sit down with me and show me papers with everything they plan to pass to help this country. I am technically leaning towards the Democrats but honestly, I really don't like the way either party is going. I just wish that there was a third party somewhere in the middle, willing to work with both sides, too bad our two party system will for the near future be in charge of any major legislation that our higher ups ever see.

Ill talk about Occupy Wall street for a minute here, I did like the idea of what they were standing up for, however I'd prefer that all of the violent ones be chained in a basement somewhere.... fed.... but away from anything bad they could possibly do. Don't get me wrong, I believe the rich who happen to be violent should be kept away from a cause they stand up for as well. Honestly, the violent people in protests always ruin the protests. What are the eyes on the outside going to see? Yes, they will see signs and protesters, but if there is violence, most people focus on that, why? Because it is wrong! Why people can't understand that is beyond me. Any violence sours any deal you might be trying to make or change through protesting. This means that you can not:

    • loot/steal
    • threaten/beat up
    • intimidate/mentally assault
    • destroy/damage/negatively alter property
People who protest need to learn to follow the laws of morality, if not the laws of the state. Honestly its not that hard, just imagine what ever it happens to be, being done to your sister. Would you appreciate your sister being hurt in any way shape or form? I thought not.

Anyway that's not to say I believe all of the protesters do this. I know there are good ones in there too, just the media that I've seen recently likes to focus on the bad side of everything. That and I would hope everyone would do something productive, turns out revenge and violence isn't when your fighting for any cause. It only turns people away and scares them, whether they are who you are fighting for or not.

I strongly hope that one day we all will sit down together, as people, not Americans, republicans, democrats, or any other dividing lines you can think of; just as people, and figure out what we all need to do, regardless of our origin, sexual orientation, color, accent, or ideas.

That reminds me,
                  Dear politicians:
                        Turns out simply disagreeing with the other side won't cut it anymore, time for a new strategy and some new ideas. Start talking to each other and give some ground.
                     A concerned citizen

P.s. How did you think this was going to work?

Thank you for reading and I appreciate comments, whether they are negative or positive.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

New series (sort of)

Has anyone been watching any of the series below?

      • Once Upon A Time
      • Grimm
      • American Horror Story
If so, than stay tuned because today I'm going to be telling you what I think of them.

First, I'll start with Once Upon A Time. Honestly, I didnt know what to think of it at first, it seemed like someone took all of the childhood stories and fused them into one. Only thing is, it worked, very well in fact. While at first I was a little taken back by all of the characters at the same time, they organized the stories in a way I never would have expected, It was almost like the stories were always like that. After episode 2 or 3 I was completely addicted to the show, the plot keeps drawing me in and I just can't help watching, even the first episode again.
-Favorite Character: Honestly a hard choice but if I had to choose, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold or, Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard

During the breaks between episodes, I've also been watching Grimm. This wasn't as amazing as Once Upon A Time, but still had that storybook draw to it. It took more time for me to enjoy, but once I got into it I was hooked. I dont mind missing an episode of this however, it really is just a break from the story of Once Upon A Time for me. Still, if you liked Grimm's Fairy Tales you should still give it a try. It focuses on the main character, a detective, discovering his family is a descendant of the Grimm family. The Grimm's had some secrets hidden behind their storybooks, and he is thrown into the hidden mess when his aunt is almost killed by a grim reaper. This was just the first episode as well, so I still like to keep up with it.
-Favorite Character: Eddie Monroe the Blutbad (Big Bad Wolf) he gets as a partner

That brings me to American Horror Story, or American Horror as I call it for short. It is best watched alone, but if you get scared even when you have someone next to you, you definitely need someone there. I told myself at the beginning of the first episode, ah it can't be that scary, I mean its only on tv. So far there has been rape, murder, sexual tension, ghosts that can and will keep you out of their business, and of course what would a horror story be without a heartbroken mother and an insane father, who want nothing more than a child. Only problem being is the child was kidnapped dismembered and stitched back together. It is truly a scary story that will have you locking your doors and windows. I even had to go as far as to turn on a light every step I took to go to bed one night. If you like creepy big scares you'll love this.
-Favorite Creepiest character: I would probably say either the ghost in the rubber suit, or the ghost of the next door neighbors deformed son who lives in the attic.

Pokemon and such

Ever sense I was little I loved pokemon, whether it was the cards or the games. Now that I'm older and all of the games have come out however, I can't help but wonder. What if the pokemon company made all of their worlds into one massive game for PC or the Wii? It would sell great, have amazing multiplayer potential, could have Wii graphics and would cater to those who ended up getting the Wii but not a DS. Ive personally thought it would be a great move on their part to make this game since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, but hey it could just be me.

Imagine choosing a starting location, than a starter pokemon, editing your trainer before any of it even starts. It would be a huge step in the game series and a big money maker for Nintendo if they made the game correctly. So, why havnt they tried it before? Not enough men working on it? They don't think pokemon is popular enough? Or is it that they still don't want to be done creating more of the little buggers.

Well whatever the reason might be I am seriously questioning why they don't have even a small project like that yet. I'd prefer a console pokemon game that acted like the handheld, but had better graphics like the ones on console (ie. pokemon revolution, pokemon stadium, ect.). If anyone agrees with this let me know, and if anyone knows of any news of something like this, please let me know I don't care how you tell me.

Until next time, I hope you've enjoyed this read.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jobs and other money making ventures

One thing that I have definitely noticed is the lack of work everywhere, I lived in Massachusetts for a while and decided it was a pit. I still kind of agree with that but its a nice pit, anyways I am now in Washington state and I have seen no improvement. Applying for jobs doesn't seem to do any good, not that I'm giving up though. Every time I see a job I believe I'd be good at I apply, honestly I've pretty much rooted out the enjoyable jobs already but again, I'm not going to give up. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and save up when I did have a job, just so I would have something to lean on now. However seeing as this is impossible I'm just going to have to keep looking and trying harder than I have been lately honestly. I really need to try harder..... I guess I didn't try as hard because every job I attempt to get, I get turned away from.

Anyway, I am not entirely sure how any interference, other than a companies, is going to be able to create more jobs. Yes, we can have our government give money to companies, who exist to make money in the first place, or we could give incentives for new jobs, and cuts for those who do mass firings. I really don't know if that would help but it seems like it might anyway.

Sorry this post was a little ranty, and a bit repetitive, but comments are always appreciated. Thanks for reading.


I know that if anyone reads this I am likely to get some flak for it but here goes. To all of those who bash President Barack Obama, if it was only up to him if bills got passed we wouldn't need the house or senate. Our country is more run by the house and even more-so the senate than the president, the problem our president has at the moment is that half the senate is firmly disagreeing with anything he says, heck he could probably say he has a plan for free food for orphans that wouldn't cost a penny and they would still say no. It doesn't make sense to me that everyone blames Barack over important decisions when all of his decisions are blocked. He WANTS to do something, just he isn't being allowed. So please next time you think about saying, "He doesn't do anything." think about the senate.

Now I know this topic is a little old, but the credit for the killing of Osama Bin Ladin, shouldn't that go to the soldiers and the intelligence that brought them to him? I mean no president had as much of a hand in it as the gathered intel and the troops on the ground. Unless we had a president down there looking in holes and pointing to where he might be, I am pretty sure it was all the troops. Just saying this because a while ago I became aware of arguing about who was getting the credit, whether it be Bush or Obama or both. I say neither, personally I believe it was good intel and troops who wanted to protect their country.

Thank you for reading, and again comments are appreciated.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Religion and those who'd rather not

So one thing that's been upsetting me lately is the fact that religious people cant seem to get along with atheists and vice versa.  Why we can't all just take the higher ground when someone who believes or does not believe tells us we are wrong I don't understand. I personally am an atheist, however I do not assume I know everything, that religious people are wrong and crazy, or that I am right in my assumption that there is not a god. I believe they are entitled to their beliefs just as anyone else. However I did just see a video of members of the U.S. senate interrupting a Hindu prayer, I thought to myself, if there was a Hindu or Jewish member of the senate how would those that interrupted feel if they heard a christian prayer getting loudly interrupted every couple of minutes. I believe you should treat others as you would be treated, and to me it didn't seem like they were even thinking about what they would feel if they were interrupted. I've heard atheists doing the same to Christians but that doesn't make it any less wrong than when those in the senate interrupted the Hindu prayer.

I've also heard Christians say that evolution couldn't have ever happened, most recently through the question, "What came first the chicken or the egg?". I posted a response and will post it here, "The ancestor of an un-evolved chicken came first if you were to ask someone who believes in evolution fully. By that logic i could go back to the first organism ever to exist and a fish would have evolved first than a mutant version of this ancient fish evolved over thousands of years into something that could walk on land, eventually due to its surroundings the fittest survived and a mutant evolved wings. This is how evolution works, what your doing is assuming without creationism is the answer." The poster of the video wanted desperately to disprove atheists, but without talking to one, you cant disprove what they believe. Honestly, why anyone would want to disprove someone else's beliefs is beyond me. How would you feel if someone tried to take your world, everything you knew to be true, and they tried to smash it to pieces in front of you? Not a pretty thought is it? This is what keeps me able to talk calmly to people, because I am fully aware of what I believe, and I refuse to get angry so long as I am able to have an intelligent conversation.

Anyway that does it for this rant, I hope to get some comments soon.